Easier loans for one and all

The most flexible loan option for salaried individuals.

  • Interest
  • Limit
  • Purpose
  • Repayment Period
  • Target Group
  • Individual operating satisfactory saving/current account with the bank.
  • Salary/Pension of applicant be received through the account with the bank at least for 6 months.
  • Government Pensioners and employees of corporate should have satisfactory conduct of account relationship with the bank.

4% over PLR with monthly rests

* Interest rate is subject to change from time to time. View latest Interest Rate.

** For further details, contact any of our Branches in Uganda

up to -15- times Net monthly salary whichever is less. Take home salary of applicant should not be less than 50% of total salary after the deduction of loan installments.

Loan can be availed for any personal needs such as medical treatment, investment, marriage, payment of school/college fees, repairs & maintenance/expansion or extension/ furnishing & modernization of existing house or any other unforeseen emergency, except for financial speculation of any type.

48 months

  • Employees of Government/Public Sector undertaking & educational institutions/ organizations funded by the government.
  • Government Pensioners and employees of corporate clients.
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